Little Latin Readers Set, Primer A (2nd-3rd)
This set includes the Little Latin Reader, Workbook, Drill Book. Puella Romana introduces the student to simple Latin sentences and short paragraphs. First declension feminine nouns are used in sentences with simple third person being verbs and intransitive verbs in the present tense. Prepositional phrases with in and ad and adjective phrases are also introduced. The companion workbook gives short explanations of beginning Latin grammar concepts and focuses on the nominative, accusative and ablative cases of the first declension. The student will learn to recognize subjects, predicate nominatives and objects of prepositions through a variety of drills. The drill set extends the explanations and exercises presented in the workbooks.
Each lesson begins with the student copying in cursive all essential grammar definitions and rules. English words derived from the Latin vocabulary words are included to help the student learn to recognize Latin roots in English words. In some cases, extended explanations and practice sentences are given to enrich the student’s understanding of grammatical concepts. As an example, in the introductory level, short sentences with first declension nouns from the Latin Vulgate Bible, the Liber Usualis and the writings of the saints are presented as models for the student to copy and memorize if desired.
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Required for Schola Rosa, Cycle 2 (2nd-3rd)
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