CREDO Journey 1: The Four Marks of the Church (DOWNLOAD)
Journey 1 The mission of this retreat is to immerse students in the mystical reality of the Church and Her Sacraments by engaging students with an imaginative pilgrimage through sensory effects that illumine the mind’s eye to Christ’s teachings. There is a particular focus on the teachings concerning the Four Marks of the Church and students will travel through Jerusalem, Constantinople, America, and Rome. Our prayer focus will be the Nicene Creed to reinforce the teachings of the Church and our unified prayer as members of the universal Church. As a hymn students will learn “O Saving Victim.” Careful attention will be given to the atmosphere and mood created by decoration to make sure any decoration bolsters the teaching goals. In Summary: Theology: Four Marks of the Church Prayer: Nicene Creed Practice: Pilgrimage Hymn: “O Saving Victim” NIHIL OBSTAT: REV. MARK STEFFL, STL, JCL, APRIL 16, 2016 IMPRIMATUR: +JOHN M. LEVOIR, DD., BISHOP OF NEW ULM, APRIL 19, 2016
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