General Chemistry ~ Textbook
Textbook for Chemistry ~ 11th Grade
General Chemistry uses a mastery-learning method. In this method, students build comprehension by adding new concepts while reviewing and rehearsing key material throughout the year. This method is implemented in carefully crafted exercises, quizzes, and the textbook narrative, and it facilitates learning, mastery and retention. Students appreciate the smaller profile and lighter weight of our books. This is possible because of aspects of our Textbook Philosophy. When mastery is the goal, you must cull down the material to an amount that can reasonably be mastered in one year. Related subjects are integrated into the narrative. The history of modern chemistry, mathematics and technical communication is emphasized throughout. Integration protects a course from seeming compartmentalized from other subjects. That’s certainly not how the real world is. Real chemists use math and writing skills every day. Their knowledge about how the scientific enterprise works is greatly enhanced by their knowledge of great scientists who came before.
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